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Being Peace

 I don't know about you, but when I'm in meditation it's easy to feel the Love of Spirit and know I’m divine and so is everyone else! The divisions created for the world are temporary as everything in the outer is temporary.

    People celebrate diversity, but then cannot accept diverse opinions and ways of life. We celebrate freedom, but cannot accept when others independence conflicts with our own.

    Lifting to a higher consciousness and connecting with Spirit the truth is revealed that we are all One. So how do we move that truth down from meditation and into our daily lives?

    1. Begin to look at situation and people with eyes of Love. Ask- what would Love do?

    2. Forgive- Everyone is working from their own level of consciousness therefore afraid of each other. This fear is what creates conflict. We must begin to try and understand instead of blaming.

    3. Focus your energy on being the example and holding the light. It’s the ones standing in their truth that change the world- but they do it in love, not hate or fear. 

    We must have faith that truth will prevail. It's time to unite in love to create peace. That’s when the world will change- one person, one nation at a time. Wishing you Peace on your journey!




                                        Meditation for Peace

                                                March 10th, 7pm

    Peace starts from within. Join me for a guided meditation to connect with Spirit and activate peace within ourselves and then hold the vision for the world. Register here:

Benefits of Energy Healing
Pain and Stress Relief
Balance in Body/Mind/Spirit
Emotional Healing
Focus and Clarity

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