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To Forgive

We struggle to understand the ways of the world. We see violence, injustice and our hearts ache. Why is this happening?

    It’s 2022 and there's war, not just in other countries but here on our soil, the war of humanity. Fighting to uphold our rights. Fighting for peace. Fighting to have our basic freedoms and needs met.

      Where's the heart of the world? If we stay in lower consciousness we are immersed in the heaviness of the world. It takes strength to rise above. To remember there's more than the world. To remember our spiritual essence- the soul of the world, the soul of humanity. To see that although it feels like everything is unraveling there’s a presence beyond our human condition. We must seek that higher consciousness of Love. Of forgiveness.

    To forgive those we feel have harmed ourselves or others. To forgive the government, world leaders, to forgive so our heart can heal and so we give no more energy to those we don’t resonate with. 

    When we don’t forgive we’re attached energetically- because we’re holding onto the situation or person and emotions that go with it. There’s freedom in forgiveness as it opens your heart. When your heart opens you can let go of pain and healing begins. Love can enter. The love for yourself, divine love.  You'll find healing in this love. 

      I speak from a place of heartbreak for the world. But know holding onto the pain doesn’t serve me or others. As I open up and forgive, I pray for the highest and best for the world and for relief for all who are suffering. I ask to see a higher picture unfolding. When we can lift out of the present pain and into divine consciousness- we can look through eyes of love unattached. We can heal and bring that healing into the world.

    There’s hope, I feel it when I lift into divine consciousness, the light is there- We must remember to always seek this light. Please reach out if you need help seeing the light.



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